I was first introduced to leather crafting at a young age when I received a simple starter kit.  However, as my teenage years approached I became distracted, cars, sports….girls.  Then a full career in the U.S. Navy (25-years) kept me quite busy with many deployments at sea and serving at overseas locations throughout Asia and Europe.

Fast forward several years after retirement from Naval service and the creative need called me back.  So, here I am…...


Product are created with everyday use in mind. If you see something you like but think it may need a tweak to two, I will customize a product to suit your needs (visit the contact page to send me a message).

My inspiration for naming my products come from all sorts of aspects of my life and adventures but whatever the meaning is behind the name, it is my wish that you make your adventures and memories with your Miguelón product.

The Global Collection is reflection of my global travels. Some location may be recognizable, some may not, can you guess those?

The Virginia Collection is representative of the rich history of Virginia, my home state. Product names in this collection are of notable persons or significant points of interest.

I take pride in my craftsmanship.  That is why I layout and cut each pattern by hand and hand stitch every product. You can rest assured that nothing is more important to me than a quality product.  


My makers mark is comprised of an Anchor, Compass Rose and Initials.

  • The Anchor represents my 25-years of Naval service.

  • The Compass Rose signifies my global travels

  • The M and M are my initials.


Michael translates in Spanish as Miguel, which I prefer not being called (not that there’s anything wrong with that, it’s just a personal preference). Miguelito is often used when calling on a kid named Michael. However, during my time in the Navy, with several Michael’s/Mike’s in the organization, I became known as ‘Big Mike.’ Ironic as I was far from the biggest. Hence Miguelón, translated from Spanish as ‘Big Mike.’
